Archive for November, 2011

30 Minutes to Fitness – L.I.F.T – Olympic Lifting w/ Kelly Coffey-Meyer

Posted in Health/Fitness, Workout review on November 29, 2011 by mistransformation

This is a review of Workout One from the L.I.F.T. workout DVD in the 30 Minutes to Fitness series from Kelly Coffey Meyer.

Equipment needed:  Barbell or heavy dumbbells (use lighter for the warmup)

If you are looking for something different in your workouts or if you have been curious about Olympic lifting moves then this is the workout for you.  Kelly explains proper form and uses a progression of movements to take you through to the Olympic lifts.

Kelly and one background woman use a barbell for their lifts but there is a modifier that uses dumbbells.  Kelly explains that you should learn proper form with a lighter weight first before you go up in the amount of weight you use.  Kelly breaks between each 8 count segment and she explains that if you don’t need those break times then you aren’t using heavy enough weight.

Kelly cues you through the movements and tells you what body parts you are working.  In a lot of the lifts you will be working your core, especially when you lift the weight above your head.  You will work your shoulder stability and glutes the most in this workout.

As Kelly mentions during this workout it sure feels empowering to be doing lifts such as these.  You will feel STRONG!!!

There is an option on the DVD that allows you a quick workout of the lifts only without the progressive movements that tie each Olympic movement together.

This DVD also has another 30 minute workout called Powersculpting.  It is a lighter weight/higher repetition workout that focuses on muscle definition.  You will only need dumbbells for this workout. This workout is enjoyable too but my favorite out of both is the Olympic lifts.  I love Kelly Coffey-Meyer.  I can’t wait to try some of the new workouts she just released.


Don’t Let Her Think Like This

Posted in Health/Fitness on November 22, 2011 by mistransformation

I don’t think I have to write too much to go along with this picture.  I think the message is loud and clear on its own.

10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme – Chris Freytag

Posted in Health/Fitness, Workout DVDs, Workout review on November 6, 2011 by mistransformation

Chris Freytag’s 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme is her new fitness workout system offered through Exercise TV.  It is a total package that offers 13 workouts on 3 discs.  The way it is designed is that in 28 days you are supposed to be able to shed 10 pounds.  It is part deux of her original 10 Pound Slimdown and is for those who may have completed that and want to take things up a notch and push harder although you do not have to be familiar with the original package to do this one.  I would say this is an intermediate to lower advanced workout system (depending on how hard you push yourself and how heavy you go with the weights – the cardio kickboxing is an intermediate level however).  Chris offers a 28 day workout schedule you may follow to help achieve your goal.

You will need handweights for most of these workouts.  Sometimes you will need more than one set.  Try to use heavy so you can challenge yourself.

There are 6 Xtreme workouts – including Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body, Cardio Kickboxing, Core and Yoga.  These workouts are roughly 40 minutes long and include four circuits.  Chris does a couple of movements and then a “Power” move and then repeats to end each circuit.  The Power move is a move designed to get your heart rate up and may include plymetrics or just dynamic movement.  She offers some modification for those who need it.

There are 5 Recovery workouts – these workouts are 20 minutes in length. There is recovery Upper, Lower, Total, Core and Yoga.  If you follow her schedule, sometimes you do a recovery workout on a regular Xtreme workout day.

There are 2 Bonus workouts for trouble zones like buns and abs. These are short 10 minute programs to be used as add-ons for an extra push to your workouts.

Along with the workouts, Chris offers a clean eating plan/guide for those who need some help with their nutrition.

I have been doing Chris Freytag workouts for years (since her Prevention workout days) and she is looking more ripped and better than ever!  She is the antithesis of say Jillian Michaels’ workouts. Chris doesn’t berate or bully you into getting in an extra rep or working harder – she offers cheerful motivation for that and her motto is, “YES YOU CAN!”

As and aside:  Since Exercise TV is now defunct online and OnDemand (it is completely out of business)  – you can still get Chris’ 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme through QVC (