Archive for weight lifting

The Master’s Hammer & Chisel-Iso Strength Chisel w/ Autumn Calabrese Workout Review

Posted in Health/Fitness, Review, Workout review with tags , , , on April 1, 2016 by mistransformation


Today might be April Fool’s Day but Iso Strength Chisel is no joke!

For this workout you will need a few sets of dumbbells. A moderate weight is good and you will also need a lighter dumbbell for the last move.  You will also need a bench, a pullup bar and a band (if you need to modify).

The rep count for this workout is the same for each move.  You do a set of 10 reps and after you release the 10th rep you hold the next rep for 10 seconds and start back up for 10 more reps.  You do not get a rest after the iso hold.   You do three sets of this total.  I call it 10 x 10 x 3 for shorthand.   As per usual, if you do a move on one side, you do the total number of sets on that side before you move on to the other side.   There is a quick stretch between moves.

The moves (after Autumn’s typical warm up for her Chisel workouts):

Sumo squat

Full range pushups

Bulgarian split squat (L/R)

Pullups or use the band w/ attachment to modify

Step up with side hold (L/R)

One-arm row on bench (L/R)

Sit-up C-curve hold (w/ light dumbbell)

Lateral raises

The workout ends with a stretch for the lateral raises and then a quick inhale stretch and that’s it.  That is always disappointing to me but I just went on to do my own stretch after the workout.

This workout is a butt burner for sure. I’m sure I’ll remember the Bulgarian split squat tomorrow.

The moves weren’t really innovative and there are other workouts with iso holds but not having any rest between sets was really fatiguing.  I’m sure this is the technique that leads to being chiseled.

I’d give the workout 3 3/4 stars out of 5.  The lack of stretch at the end really disappoints me.


The Master’s Hammer & Chisel – Total Body Hammer w/ Sagi Kalev

Posted in Health/Fitness, Review of Product, Workout review with tags , , , on March 13, 2016 by mistransformation


One of the first sneak peaks we had was Autumn’s Total Body Chisel and now on Beachbody OnDemand we got to taste Sagi’s Total Body Hammer. This is a nice simple set up of basic lifting exercises done in a pyramid format that packs a bit of a punch.

You will need a couple of sets of dumbbells tailored to your needs, a pullup bar or a band if you don’t have one, a bench or a ball if you don’t have a bench.  You can also do the chest exercises on the floor.

The warm up is the same warm up that Sagi does in most of his other Hammer workouts.

There are three rounds total with three separate exercises.  Each round is completed two times.   Each exercise is completed in a pyramid format of 10 reps, 8 reps and then 6 reps. You complete all 3 pyramids before going on to the next exercise.   The second set really allows you to go up in weight if you didn’t get it right the first time (perhaps go down too).

Round One 

Bench Press (10/8/6 reps)

Squat (10/8/6 reps)

Reverse Grip Row (10/8/6 reps)

(remember I said you do this again)

Round Two 

Incline Flys (10/8/6 reps)

Reverse Lunge (you do one leg and get the opposite leg on set two) (10/8/6 reps)

Wide pullups or wide band pulls (10/8/6 reps)


Round Three 

Seated Military Press

Split Squat (you do one leg and get the opposite leg on set two) (10/8/6 reps)

Posterior Delt Fly (one arm at a time, getting the other arm on set 2) (10/8/6 reps)


I felt that Sagi’s cool down while still only 3 minutes long, was a bit more thorough than most of Autumn’s which sometimes aren’t even 2 minutes long.

When you get your correct weights, I really feel that this workout can get you winded and by the end you will feel like you got a great workout.  One thing I didn’t like was Sagi picking on the gentleman in the video because of his weight selection.  We all can’t press 70 pounds like Sagi.  I know that’s his Beast persona but I worry someone may go too heavy and rip their shoulder.  So keep that in mind. We aren’t all professional bodybuilders.

Solid 4 out of 5 stars.


The Master’s Hammer & Chisel-15 Min. Leg Hammer w/ Sagi Kalev

Posted in Health/Fitness, Workout review with tags , , , , , on February 23, 2016 by mistransformation


This workout is approximately 20 minutes in length when you factor in the warm up and cool down (which are really short).

You will need a medicine ball or dumbbell for this workout.

Description of workout from Beachbody:  15 minutes is all you need to fire up your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves for maximum strength and power.

Warm up moves:

Squat ball drop/pick up

Alternating front lunge with ball push out

Side to side lunge squat

Burpee w/ ball

For the workout there are 6 moves (some are done right and left).   Each move is done for a minute at different tempos:  Slow (4 count), medium (2 count) and fast (as fast as you can). You switch tempos at the 20 second mark of each minute interval.

The workout moves:

Squat press

Side lunge (right/left)

Reverse lunge (right/left)

Sumo twist -this is done in an isolation hold moving the ball from left to right knee.

Deadlift crunch – this is a one-legged deadlift and the “crunch” is coming up on one leg with a knee lift.  I found it difficult to go fast in this move and maintain good balance.  (right/left)

Step up press – this is a backwards lunge coming up to the knee raise while also lifting the ball over your head. You don’t need a step or bench for this.  Again, I found this move hard to maintain good balance while doing the move as fast as you can.  (right/left)

Short 2 minute cool down.

I love the tempo changes for this workout.  It really got my heart rate up.  I really liked this workout and wished it was about another 15 minutes in length.  I was just getting into the groove and then it was over.  Great add-on to other workouts though.  I’d give this workout 3 3/4 stars out of 5 because of the length, because of the short stretch at the end and because the really fast movements were awkward with some of the movements even though the tempo changes are what I love about this workout.



The Master’s Hammer & Chisel Total Body Chisel with Autumn Calabrese Workout Review

Posted in Health/Fitness, Motivation/Inspiration, Review, Review of Product, Workout review with tags , , , on October 25, 2015 by mistransformation


As I’m sure you Beachbody aficionados know, the program The Master’s Hammer & Chisel with Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix) and Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) will be released in December.  Beachbody OnDemand has sneak peaks of two workouts from this system.  I have tried them both and today I am reviewing the Total Body Chisel workout.

For this workout you will need some moderate to heavy dumbbells depending on your ability.  You will also need a bench if you have one available.  If you don’t have a bench you can use an exercise ball and a high step (or do the modifications shown in the workout).

This workout is roughly 36 minutes in length. The setup is 3 circuits of 3 moves with 10 repetitions completed for 3 rounds. Rest is between circuits.

There is a very short warm up of dynamic stretching.

Circuit one consists of a squat, a chest press (w/ bench or ball or floor) and reverse grip row.

Circuit two consists of a back lunge (Right/Left), chest fly and dumbbell pullovers.

Circuit three consists of bench step up to crossover lunge (Right/Left – modification shown in workout), angled biceps curls and triceps bench dips (or floor).

After all of the circuits there is a short cool down/stretch.  A little too short for my taste but I always take some extra time to stretch on my own.

As you can see, the workout isn’t rocket science.  Pretty basic moves that you see in most other lifting workouts.  What you do get with this workout is Autumn’s motivation and technique guidance.  If it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t keep doing the workout but I do keep going back to it and increasing my weights as Autumn instructs.

I really hope that the rest of Hammer & Chisel aren’t as basic as this. I’m hoping there is some excitement that they just aren’t showing us yet.

I would give this 3 1/2 out of 5 stars because of the short warm up and cool down and because I just need a little extra oomph for my workouts. Something to make it different and stand out from the others.